After 27 Years: 50,098 Teams. 602,511 Games. 27,970,106 Points Scored. 63,634,761 Stats. 1 Website. 26,122 scores w/in 24 hours ÷ 27,286 games = 95.7%.
Volleyball Contests between Sheldon Clark and Allen Central
Oct 8, 2001Allen Central2Sheldon Clark02001 30th District Volleyball Tournament (15-6,19-17)
Aug 27, 2002Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 15-7, 15-13
Oct 14, 2002Allen Central2Sheldon Clark02002 30th District Volleyball Tournament 15-1, 15-5
Sep 27, 2003Sheldon Clark2Allen Central0 23-21, 20-12
Sep 30, 2003Sheldon Clark2Allen Central0 25-20, 25-23
Sep 4, 2004Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 25-7, 25-8
Sep 16, 2004Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 25-19, 25-20
Sep 8, 2005Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 25-21, 25-15
Sep 26, 2006Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 25-21, 25-17
Sep 17, 2007Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 25-16, 25-13
Sep 17, 2007Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 25-9, 25-13 (Conclusion of a Suspended Match)
Aug 25, 2008Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 (25-13, 25-6)
Sep 30, 2010Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 (25-9, 25-16)
Sep 12, 2011Allen Central2Sheldon Clark0 (25-8, 25-12)
Oct 14, 2015Allen Central3Sheldon Clark0 (25-5, 25-6, 25-12)