After 27 Years: 50,098 Teams. 602,505 Games. 27,969,727 Points Scored. 63,596,701 Stats. 1 Website. 26,098 scores w/in 24 hours ÷ 27,250 games = 95.8%.
2014 Kentucky High School Boys Soccer
2014 KY Boys Soccer Stats for Mayfield
Sep 2, '14 Match with Murray
Score: 0 - 1
(Sep 6, 2014 3:01 PM)
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7Arellano, Brandon
Arellano, Jerardo
Blanco, Roberto
Duran, Francisco
Duran, Jacinto
Flores, David
5Green, Jared
House, Isiah
17Roman, Noel
12Sexton, Aaron
Tillie, Daniel
Villegas, Pedro
19Walker, Michael
6Williams, Hunter
Team Stats
22Games Played
22Stat Reports Filed
0Missing Stat Reports
6 - 15 - 1Win-Loss Record
46Goals Scored
94Goals Allowed